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Showing posts from June 6, 2010

Connecticut Businesses are Going Green

I find it to be wonderful that new statistics are showing the Connecticut Businesses are going green. Research by the Connecticut Business and Industry Association found that "Almost three-quarters (74 percent) of those surveyed have adopted sustainable strategies, up from 47 percent in 2007, 59 percent in 2008, and 73 percent in 2009." I can only hope that these numbers continue to grow. I believe that some of this improvement is due to the funding available by the Utility companies and the state. I also hope that these figures encourage other Connecticut to continue the funding. In the current economy much of the funding has come on the chopping block. Some of the other figures found by the CBIA Include: * While their primary goal for going green is reducing operating costs (64 percent of respondents), nearly as important is their commitment to environmental and social responsibility (57 percent). Other reasons include enhancing company image (38 percent), responding to cu